What just happened to Drastic?!?

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What just happened to Drastic?!?

Post by JAndy » Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:56 pm

I was already using drastic for years now in and old tablet, but recently updated to a Moto g52 with android 12, it was all working completely fine and saturday opened the app without any issue, but suddenly at 8:37 pm I once again openned the app (I didn't updated the app at all), and it started showing a white square at the top of the screen (before that space was completely black) and the virtual controls got all messed up, the touch regions don't work properly, and for matters worse I can't even use the touch screen at all.

Then, when I checked for any appstore updates I saw that there was a new version that released 2 february 2023, and I lost all my save and proggress files, forcing me to create a new folder, separated from the system Downloads, and copy all my previous files to get access for Drastic, now the app don't even let me use .rar files, when previously it was all perfectly fine

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